About Us
The Airshed Ltd is an independent company that will act wholly on your behalf in dealings with planning authorities, regulatory bodies and government agencies. Our aim is to secure a technical agreement with EHO's, planners, etc. so that air quality, odour and noise issues are not reasons for refusing your planning application. For Pollution Prevention and Control applications, our approach is to help our clients determine what is Best Available Technique without imposing unrealistic constraints on their process.
Our mission is to provide environmental consulting services that are so good that our clients come back for more. We handle each issue quickly, thoroughly and smoothly so that our clients have peace of mind. We will not sell you services you don't need or 'roll over' when regulators are being over zealous. We work by building trust with our clients and environmental regulatory agencies. We recognise the importance of a good ethical approach to consultancy where advice is independent and objective.
Who We Are

Our lead consultant is Steve Fraser BSc MPhil CEnv MCIWM MIoA. Steve worked for RPS Consultants, one of Europe's largest planning and environmental consultancies, for 10 years before setting up The Airshed in 2005. Steve previously worked in the public sector for almost 20 years, as an EHO for a Scottish local authority and an Environment Protection Officer for SEPA.

Hilary Fraser MA (Hons) MSc is The Airshed's Business Manager. Hilary also conducts non-technical reviews to ensure high-quality output.

Jon Champion BSc is our lead Noise Technician with a decade of practical experience of noise survey work. Jon has worked on dozens of noise projects; he has a Certificate of Competence in Environmental Noise Measurement and a post-graduate Diploma in Acoustics and Noise Control, both awarded by the Institute of Acoustics.

Kevin Thomas BSc (Hons) conducts professional and technical reviews for us. He worked in the Environmental Health department of a Scottish local authority for 40 years, latterly as Chief Environmental Health Officer.
Airshed clients include Aberdeenshire Council, Agilent Technologies, Ahlstrom, Agellus Hotels, Aim Design, Arcus, Aldi, Asda, Atmos Consulting, Autoporto, Aviva, Baxi, Bellway Homes, Betts Homes, Biffa, Biomass Power Ltd, Bombardier Aerospace, Border Barrels, Bowater Group, British Land, Bryn Composting, Cala Homes, Castlemilk Economic Development Agency, Colliers International, Crestwood Environmental, Crief Hydro, Composite Energy, Cube Engineering, Dart Energy, Devro, Dumbarton Football Club, Ediston Properties, Energised Environments, Entec UK, Environ, Faber Maunsell, Fairview Homes, Future Biogas, Gama Power, Glasgow University, Grampian Country Foods, Greene King, Grontmij, GS Robertson, Habinteg Housing Association, Halcrow Group, Hallam Land Management, Harrisons Poultry, Healthcare Environmental Services, Helical Retail, Hellens Developments, Highland Council, Robert Hopkins Environmental, JSR Genetics, Keir London, Kiernan Milling, Levenseat Landfill, Lumgair Poultry, David McLean Homes, Main Design and Build, Marks and Spencers, Miller Homes, Morpeth Hunt, Morrisons Stores, Muir Group, Moray Council, MWF Agriculture, NWP Composting, Oran Utilities, Orbit Micro-brewery, Oxford University, Pax Christi, J.G. Pears, Pegasus Planning, Persimmon Homes, Premier Waste, John Pointon and Sons, Railtrack, RDS Element Power, Reach CSG, Rose Energy, RPS Consultants, Renewable Power Systems, Sacone Environmental, Sainsburys, Scarborough Muir Group, Scotia Homes, Scottish Coal, Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Scottish Water, Sgurr Energy, Shore Energy, South Lanarkshire Council, St Modwen Property, Steetley Dolomite, Tamdhu Distillery, Tesco, Thorngrove Poultry, Tobin Consulting Engineers, T.O.M Waste Solutions, Turley Associates, UK Coal, Viridor, Waitrose, Wallace Land, Westpoint Homes, WKN-AG, Yorkshire Water, YMCA.